The Guthrie County Supervisors recently approved the county election precinct boundaries. 

District 5 Supervisor Mike Dickson says the precinct map will be submitted to the state and then the Secretary of State’s office will send them the redistricting map. Dickson explains the changes that were made to some of the precincts. 

Closing down a couple of voting poles, couple of towns like Panora and Guthrie Center, there were two voting places there, so we move them to one polling place in each one of those towns. And then we also were not cutting up any townships anymore. The townships will be not split up as far as precincts and voting places go now.”

Dickson states that the Board will have an opportunity to accept the redistricting map from the state and if they deny the map the state sends them another. He adds this process could happen three times before the Supervisors draw their own map. Dickson says the precinct map will help the county save money on poll workers and polling locations because the townships are not split up.