
While the beginning of the colder months has started warmer than usual, there are important reminders for items to have in your vehicle for when the weather turns much colder. 

Dallas County Emergency Management Coordinator A.J. Seely says some things people should keep in their vehicles include gloves, a coat, blankets and extra socks. Seely suggests also having ice scrapers, as well as keeping your vehicle full with gas. 

“Keep a full gas tank. So, pick a point that you are going to fill it all the time. Not recommended to let it get down to E(mpty) but maybe every time it touches half, especially in the winter, you fill it up so you’ve always got a full tank or at least a reasonable tank of gas if you happen to get stranded or stuck.”

Seely tells Raccoon Valley Radio another thing people should take into account when driving is how they dress.

“You want to make sure that you’re dressed as if you had to be outside even though you plan on traveling in the vehicle you never know what might happen.”

Seely says people could get into situations such as traveling on ice where they could be in a place where they would need to be dressed warmly.