
After some speculation of whether or not Iowa Auditor Rob Sand had aspirations to seek a higher elected office, he recently announced he will run for re-election as auditor.

Sand is a Democrat and was elected as state auditor in 2018 and hinted at the possibility of running for governor, but says he likes the job he is currently doing and wants to continue in the capacity as auditor. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio he originally ran for auditor because he doesn’t like politics and the auditor’s office is one that should be non-partisan.

“I criticize people on either side (of the political aisle) when they deserve it. I defend people on either side when they deserve it. Some of my most liked Facebook posts and on Twitter are when I defend (Governor) Kim Reynolds when she deserves it, when I defend (Senator) Joni Ernst. I’m interested in the truth and I think one of the greatest poisons that we have right now in politics is people, they’re only interested in only representing a party and only representing the part of the truth that’s convenient for them. And we’ve got to get away from that. And I think that people understand that that’s important and they see that I’m doing it.”    

Sand believes that as state auditor, he is constantly seeking the truth no matter who is on what political spectrum.

“We have the ability to really hold people in powerful positions accountable. Are there offices that different influence or more influence? Sure. It’s not all about influence at the end of the day. We’ve got work that I love to do, I like what I’m doing.”

Since Sand’s recent announcement of seeking a second term as state auditor, he is so far running unopposed for the Democratic nomination and no Republicans have announced their candidacy.