Jefferson Matters EventJefferson Matters: Main Street celebrated its 2nd-year anniversary last night with a public open house at the Sierra Community Theatre in Jefferson.

The public enjoyed free snacks and cake while also learning a little bit about what the organization is and about the history of Jefferson’s downtown square.  While the first two years have been mostly behind the scenes, president Jamie Daubendiek says his focus is more on visibility of their achievements.

“This year, we’re really trying to focus more on visual things that have more of a bigger impact right away that can be seen.  But the support of the public has been good over the past couple of years and they realize how important these buildings are in the downtown historical district, because basically once they’re gone, they’re gone for good.”

He adds that after their annual review from Main Street Iowa staff last fall, he wants to go back to the basics with the group and use action plans that list out the responsibilities of each group and what specific things need to be done to that each group reach success.

Participants at last night’s event also signed up for door prizes and filled out trivia questionnaires that test their knowledge of the buildings and businesses of the downtown square.


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