An update on a story we first reported back in November.
County Sanitarian Stephen Patterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio that Guthrie County has received $9,600 in grant funding from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ Land Quality Bureau.
Patterson had told the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors last November he would be applying for a grant this winter through the Iowa DNR in order to build a new cement pad at the county transfer station. The new cement pad will be used for the county’s new shingles recycling program.
Guthrie County’s $9,600 cut is actually just a portion of $37,000 in grant funding that the Western Iowa Initiative has received from the Iowa DNR. The other counties involved with the shingles recycling initiative are Cass, Carroll, Buena Vista, Shelby, Crawford and Harrison Counties.
Patterson says the remainder of funds to be used for construction of the new cement pad and jersey barriers will come from the county’s solid waste budget. The total cost of cement pad construction will be around $15,000.
Patterson hopes construction of the new cement pad will begin in late April or early May.