
Bonnie Silbaugh served as Board President for the past two years

It’s less than one week until the city/school board elections and we continue to look at the candidates running for Greene County School Board.

Bonnie Silbaugh is a 2004 Jefferson-Scranton High School graduate. After attending community college, she worked as a special education associate and then at Greene County Farm Bureau, before purchasing Fudges Flowers and Gifts in 2017. She volunteers with Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community and is a youth leader at her church. She is married to Mike and they have three school-aged children. 

Silbaugh wants to improve communication and streamline the process with the school district, while also being approachable and willing to listen to all sides of an issue. She also wants to look into class sizes, the effectiveness of anti-bullying and harassment complaint form, trimesters vs semesters and open enrolling students to other schools.

Silbaugh says she’s running for school board because it combines her passions and strengths all in one place to best serve the communities.

“I have a desire to learn more about the business side of the school and the depths of what a school board does. I know there’s a lot of things about a board that you can only learn from experience, and I would love to dive into that, learn all that I can and just be a reasonable and open-minded decision-maker. I love Greene County and I love Jefferson. I think it’s a great place to go to school, to live, to work, and all of those things have to work hand-in-hand and continue to improve on each other.”

Silbaugh is running against Nick Lehman, Cindi Daubendiek, Sean Sebourn, Michelle Fields, and incumbent Catherine Wilson.