The Jefferson Streets/Sewer/Water/Sanitation Committees met Tuesday.
The Sewer Committee discussed funding with the federal American Rescue Plan. The City received the first of two installments of $305,000. The second installment will be the same amount. Potential projects for that funding that were discussed included replacing water lines and doing slip lining for sewer lines. No action was taken following the discussion.
The Sewer Committee also tabled abating sewer charges for two properties. One property at 104 East Clark Street had a sewer line that broke and water discharged into the crawl space and there was a charge for $135. The second property at 801 West State Street, a hose was left on and caused a $170 charge. Both requests were tabled pending clarification from the city’s ordinance.
The Streets Committee discussed the speed limit on Grimmell Road from Highway 30 to the railroad tracks. Several complaints were reported to City Hall about not seeing the 35 miles per hour speed limit sign in that area of Grimmell Road. Police Chief Mark Clouse said there was lots of signage already posted. However, the committee tabled any decision until further feedback was reviewed.