With the month of September being National Preparedness Month it’s important to prepare everyone in the family for a disaster, including children.
Educating youth on disaster preparedness is one of the topics being shared by Dallas County Emergency Management throughout the month. Coordinator A.J. Seely says the information can differ between children.
“Youth are going to be different based on their age. So, the information, the education that you give to somebody who is five-years-old is going to be different than somebody who is maybe 14-years-old.”
Seely tells Raccoon Valley Radio that throughout the month the education and information being shared will be tailored to specific potential events such as a fire which the instructions would be different depending on age. Seely says there are plenty of disasters people should prepare for.
“Some of the biggest ones in Dallas County that we see on a year to year or every handful of year(s) basis include things like tornados, wind storms. Seems like we see a severe thunderstorm at least once every year, winter weather and flooding.”
To follow along with what Dallas County Emergency Management is sharing throughout National Preparedness Month you can go here.