Friday, September 17th
2:55am: While on patrol an Officer located an open door at the Water Treatment Plant in the 1000 block of North Cedar Street. The Officer checked the property and secured the door.
9:08am: Samantha Simmons of Jefferson reported a theft from her vehicle in the 400 block of North Maple Street. The Officer is investigating.
9:11am: The Wild Rose Casino reported a member of their staff had been harassed while in the 500 block of North Elm Street. The harassment stemmed from an earlier incident. The Officer is investigating the report.
3:30pm: An anonymous female reported a gray / white pit bull breed dog running loose in the 400 block of West Lincolnway. The Officer was able to locate the dog’s owner and advised them it had gotten loose.
5:14pm: Jodi Mitchell of Jefferson reported a tan pit bull breed dog running loose in the 500 block of West Mahlon Street. The Officer found the dog on its own property being watched by the owner. The dog’s owner was told of the complaint and put the dog back in his house.
7:25pm: Shirley Drayer of Jefferson reported she was concerned her adult daughter may be in danger. The Officer investigated and found this was not the case and Drayer was informed of this.
11:43pm: Bryant Margetta of Jefferson reported a male in a running truck at Sparky’s One Stop, 606 East Highway 30. The truck was parked and the male appeared to be passed out behind the steering wheel. The Officer responded and investigated the report. As a result of the investigation, Jesse James Whatley of Brazoria, Texas was placed under arrest and charged with, “Public Intoxication” and “Operating While Under the Influence – 3rd Offense”.
Saturday, September 18th
9:27am: Gene Meiners of Jefferson reported her vehicle may have been damaged while in the 300 block of North Chestnut Street. The Officer is investigating.
10:07am: Larry Gunderman reported a reckless driver operating a Blue Honda passenger car in a construction zone near the intersection of North Elm Street and 220th Street. The Officer searched for the vehicle and did not locate it.
10:21am: The Greene County Dispatcher received an abandoned 911 call showing it originated in Jefferson. Upon investigation it was found the call was accidental and no assistance was needed.
11:35am: Kevin Whitever of Jefferson reported he had locked himself out of his home. The Officer assisted Kevin in gaining entry to the home.
11:54am: Jacob Sands of Greenfield reported a blue Chevrolet Cruz being operated in a reckless manner on South Elm Street approaching Jefferson. The Officer was unable to locate the vehicle.
12:14pm: Shannon Otterson of Jefferson requested assistance with her minor son. The Officer provided what assistance she could.
2:23pm: The Wild Rose Casino reported an underage female who had attempted to get onto the gaming floor on September 17, 2021. The Officer assisted the casino in identifying the individual involved.
6:49pm: A female spoke with a city Officer in regards to a possible Domestic Abuse situation. The Officer answered her questions. Upon further investigation it was found the reported incident did not occur in Jefferson and the case was referred to the proper agency.
8:13pm: An anonymous male reported a group of possibly intoxicated individuals at Sparkys’ One Stop, 606 Highway 30 East. The Officer investigated and found no evidence to support what had been reported.
10:50pm: The Wild Rose Casino reported a person on the property who was not allowed to be. The Officer investigated the situation. As a result of the investigation, Destiny Ann George of Jefferson was place under arrested for outstanding Greene County Warrants for, “Possession of a Controlled Substance – Methamphetamine” “Possession of a Controlled Substance – Marijuana” “Possession of Drug Paraphernalia”
Sunday, September 19th
12:50am: The Greene County Ambulance was dispatched to the 100 block of South Grimmell. The Officer responded to assist and did so as requested.
1:48am: An Officer received a report of a hit and run property damage vehicle accident having occurred in the Sparky’s Parking lot, 606 East Highway 30. The Officer is investigating.
1:55pm: Nick Brown of Jefferson reported a Domestic Disturbance taking place in the 300 block of East Garfield Street. The Officer assisted the two parties in separating for the night. The Officer is continuing to investigate the report.
2:07pm: William Davis of Jefferson reported he had possible been a victim of identity theft. While investigating the report, the Officer found the incident had not occurred in the city limits of Jefferson. The case was referred to the proper agency for further investigation.
*********** As a result of an investigation started on July 21, 2021, Gerrick Eugene Smith of Jefferson has been charged with “Child Endangerment causing Serious Injury” and “Neglect or Abandonment of a Dependent Person”
Monday, September 20th
7:14am: Fareway requested an officer at 1207 North Elm to report a shoplifting event. The officer was provided video of the event and is investigating.
4:13pm: David Sayre reported catching two small dogs running loose near the 800 Block of South Elm Street. The officer was able to locate the owner for one animal. She arrived and took custody of both animals, as the other belonged to her neighbor.
4:38pm: Michele Gilbertson reported a child with a dog running in and out of the road at Grimmell and Lincoln Way Street. The officer knew the child and returned him and the dog back home. He was chasing the animal after it had gotten away.
5:24pm: Cassidy Bowen spoke to an officer concerning a Civil Property Issue at 308 East Garfield.
6:36pm: Officers assisted with a mother/child argument occurring at 806 West Washington Street. The officers mediated the issue, and the child was allowed to go stay with his father.
10:46pm: Alex Ratliff advised of a Stray Dog in the 300 Block of South Maple Street. The owner arrived and picked up the animal.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.