
The Stuart Library held a special event on Wednesday at Lawbaugh Park. 

Ralph Moisa with the White Eagle Pow Wow came and did a hands-on demonstration of tribal drumming and storytelling for all ages. Moisa describes what he tries to accomplish in his demonstration. 

“I do not want to encourage separation, I want to encourage joy and understanding so my goal is to try and break through the walls that are separating us and find things we have in common.”

Assistant Stuart Library Director Katie Reynolds says the attendance was great and it meant a lot to the library. 

“People are supporting us, they want to see more activities and we want to do more for our community so the more people show up, the more ideas we get, the more programs we can do for everyone.”

The White Eagle Multicultural Pow Wow is free and travels around the state of Iowa spreading the message of strengthening our communities.