The Perry Farmers Market is in its last month for this year and there is still time to use alternative currency options.
While you can use traditional methods to pay for goods at the farmers market, there are also other options as well. Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti encourages those who have those other options to visit the market.
“Those that have their WIC or senior vouchers, get down to the market to use those up. If you’ve purchased SNAP currency with us, the SNAP coins, you can still do that through September 30th and then (the) same goes for the Double Up Food Bucks whether you’ve received them down at the farmers market or at Fareway you can go ahead and use those at the farmers market as well. Lastly, the food pantry vouchers, just a reminder to get down and use those up.
Pasutti tells Raccoon Valley Radio those currencies will expire once the farmers market ends for the season on September 30th. The Perry Farmers Market takes place each Thursday from 4-7 p.m. in Josh Davis Plaza.