
The U.S. Senate and House have both passed bills that highlight the need for infrastructure.  

The U.S. Senate passed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill and the House recently passed a $3.5 trillion budget bill, which Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District Representative Randy Feenstra says the legislation includes free college and healthcare, and other things that don’t pertain to infrastructure. Feenstra calls the House bill a “spending spree” and says the Senate bill will also hurt future generations.

“Our National Debt is at $29 trillion and we’re going to have to increase the debt ceiling. I will vote ‘no’ unless they put in some things like we did in Iowa, like a 99-percent spending limit.”

Another part of the bill Feenstra disagrees with is funding for electric vehicles, including charging stations, but cuts out the biofuels and ethanol industries altogether. He explains how biofuels are the environmentally safer option, and that Iowa is the leading producer of biofuels.

“When you look at biofuels, they’re the cleanest form of energy right now, and they’re even cleaner than electric vehicles, because electric vehicles still need electric power. Where does electric power come from, coal, and natural gas, and things like that. So if anybody wants to argue the point of, ‘Well we got to do this for our environment.’ Well then you have to be for biofuels. That’s the passion I have and that’s what I’m trying to push in Congress right now.”

Feenstra adds, he has received bipartisan support in crafting legislation for biofuels, including Democrat Representative from Illinois Cheri Bustos and Angie Craig, a Democrat Representative from Minnesota.