
While the coronavirus pandemic has made it difficult for many areas of life, the City of Perry still has new construction going up. 

City Administrator Sven Peterson says so far this year there are approximately 10 permits issued for new single-family homes with the possibility of more on 28th Street. Peterson explains further possibilities for construction in that area. 

“Then they’ll move into the back half of that property, build a street, and I think probably about another 20 to 25 lots will be back there with new homes. Perrywood Apartments, their first unit of 30 apartments is complete, people have been moving in and I want to say they are just north of 50-percent occupancy.” 

Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio in conversations with Perrywood Apartments they have plans to build additional units next spring, which also could depend on how commodity prices change throughout the coming months, including lumber. Peterson says these projects are good for the community. 

“Just right there on 28th Street we’re looking at right around 100 new units for our community which I think is just a phenomenal thing, bringing new residents in, growing our population and hopefully all of those folks are shopping local and becoming a part of the community and really engaging with us.”

According to the 2020 U.S. Census data Perry has had a 1.7-percent population growth since 2010.