Democrat Abby Finkenauer is running for U.S. Senate and recently made a campaign stop in Jefferson.
The former U.S. Representative told Raccoon Valley Radio that she believes that Senator Charles Grassley has become ineffective, especially during the negotiations prior to the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
“We have the most structurally deficient bridges in the entire country in our state. Senator Grassley is somebody I grew up respecting. When I think about that infrastructure package,and you see these senators that are at the table, not one of them is from Iowa. And I would’ve put money on the fact that 10-20 years ago you would’ve seen Senator Grassley there. So that’s the difference.”
Finkenauer was defeated in her re-election bid in 2020 by Republican Ashley Hinson in Iowa’s First Congressional District. She believes she has what it takes to win the available senate seat in next year’s election.
“They just want people to do the work and get it done. So we’re going to make sure that we get all over the state, continue to meet people where they’re at, face-to-face, (and) I can’t wait. Whoever is listening, I hope I get to meet you sometime soon and hear your stories because that’s what public service is. I want to hear what’s working for your family (and) what’s not, and then what we need to do in Washington (D.C.) to make sure we fix what’s broken and do more of what works.”
While Grassley has yet to officially announce whether or not he will run for re-election in 2022, other candidates who have declared include Repbulican Jim Carlin and Democrat Dave Muhlbauer.