
The Perry City Council will consider approving the naming of a street at their regular meeting Monday. 

Also, the Council will consider approving an addition to the Perry Fire Department roster, a professional services agreement with Bolton and Menk, awarding a quote for the 2021 crack sealing project and hold a public hearing on the intent to dispose of public property. 

Finally, the Council will consider approving the design and placement of artwork on the Raccoon River Valley Trails, a pay application for the wastewater treatment facility improvements and a resolution for the disposal of real property as a gift to the Perry Community School District. 

The Perry City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Monday in the Towncraft Building. There are virtual options to attend the meeting which can be found below.

Using the following link via computer, tablet or smartphone: HOMHIQTZVZ1ZEV3k3Qzv17:09

Or by phone:

312-6266799 Meeting ID: 896 2591 4610