6:15 am Chief Deputy removed a dead deer from the roadway at 160th /Hwy 25
6:40 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on SW 7th Street
7:17 am Chief Deputy responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on Bluff Street in Guthrie Center
9:20 am Panora Police investigated a theft in Panora
1:40 pm Motorist assist by Stuart Police on 105th
3:12 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a lift assistance call on N Exposition
3:30 pm Case follow up by Guthrie Co Deputy
4:32 pm Guthrie Co Sheriff responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on Sycamore Avenue
4:59 pm Stuart Rescue and Stuart Police responded to a medical call on S Gaines
5:32 pm Attempt to serve civil papers by Guthrie Co Deputy in Bagley
6:37 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted with a civil issue in Menlo
7:57 pm Guthrie Co Deputy released a prisoner on bond
8:40 pm Attempt to serve civil papers by Guthrie Co Deputy in Bagley
10:12 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call in Menlo
10:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Bagley
10:51 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at the New Homestead
11:41 pm Traffic stop by Stuart Police resulted in an arrest
12:36 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a accident call on Hwy 4 just north of 160th. No injuries
5:04 am Stuart Rescue responded to a lift assistance call on N Exposition
5:13 am Casey Fire responded to a fire alarm call on Indigo Avenue. It was a false alarm
5:57 am Panora Ambulance, Guthrie Co Sheriff and Chief Deputy responded to a call on Division Street in Guthrie Center
9:02am Stuart Rescue and Casey Fire responded to a call on Hickory Avenue
3:21 pm Attempt to serve civil papers by Chief Deputy
3:50 pm Warrant check by Chief Deputy
6:20 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a complaint call in Herndon
7:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a call in Guthrie Center
8:36 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on Bluff Street in Guthrie Center
9:39 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle
11:01 pm Stuart Police responded to a hit and run at the Kum & Go in Stuart
6:02 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call at Casey’s General Store
7:22 am Chief Deputy responded to a burglar alarm
9:38 am Case follow up by Chief Deputy
10:12 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Panorama Drive
2:00 pm Guthrie Co Sheriff and Chief Deputy responded to a call in Herndon
2:47 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of an erratic driver
4:29 pm Motorist assist by Stuart Police on S Division Street
6:00 pm Case follow up by Stuart Police on S Division Street
6:27 pm Welfare check by Guthrie Co Deputy in Bayard
6:30 pm Case follow up by Stuart Police at the Stuart Speedway
6:38 pm Stuart Rescue were on scene for the races at the Stuart Speedway
7:40 pm Motorist assist by Stuart Police on I-80
7:43 pm Panora Police responded to a report of an erratic driver on
8:35 pm Guthrie Co Deputy booked a prisoner in to the Guthrie Co Jail
10:27 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a noise complaint in Bayard
10:46 pm Stuart Police responded to a call on SW 4th Street
11:15 pm Traffic stop by Stuart Police resulted in an arrest
11:53 pm Stuart Police transported a prisoner to the Adair Co Jail
12:32 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Nomad Trail
3:18 am Guthrie Co Deputy investigated an open door in Yale
7:09 am Welfare check by Chief Deputy in Bayard
8:01 am Case follow up by Stuart Police
8:41 am Panora Ambulance transported a resident from Panora Specialty
12:29 pm Chief Deputy responded to an issue at the park in Guthrie Center
12:42 pm Chief Deputy investigated a phone scam
1:35 pm Case follow up by Chief Deputy
3:28 pm Stuart Police responded to a call at S Summit Apartments
3:51 pm Case follow up by Panora Police reference a No Contact Order
5:00 pm Stuart Police responded to a fender bender accident in the Casey’s parking lot
6:51 pm Case follow up by Guthrie Co Deputy in Bayard
1:38 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a missing person report
6:07 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Lakeside Village
8:44 am Welfare check by Guthrie Co Deputies in Guthrie Center
9:00 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a complaint call in Guthrie Center
1:36 pm Panora Ambulance and Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a medical call
2:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy removed debris from the roadway
4:52 pm Motorist assist by Guthrie Co Deputy on Hwy 141
5:40 pm Attempt to serve civil papers in Guthrie Center by Guthrie Co Deputy
8:02 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Guthrie Center
8:27 pm Stuart Police responded to a civil issue on S Gaines
9:03 pm Panora Fire/Ambulance responded to a fire alarm at Panora Specialty Care. It was a false alarm
9:12 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a noise complaint in Bayard
9:49 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a driving complaint in Guthrie Center
11:37 pm Guthrie Co Deputy removed debris from the roadway on White Pole Road
6:05 am Stuart Fire/Rescue and Stuart Police responded to a single vehicle accident on I-80 at the 92 mm
10:08 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of suspicious activity on Hwy 44
11:29 am Motorist assist by Guthrie Co Deputy on State Street in Guthrie Center
11:54 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a security alarm in Bayard
4:06 pm Panora Ambulance and Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a medical call at Hwy 44/Viceroy
6:06 pm Stuart Fire / Rescue responded to corn crib fire on 272nd Street
6:50 pm Guthrie Co Deputies assisted with a civil issue
9:48 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted Stuart Police with a call at the Motel 6
10:10 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a call in Bayard
10:52 pm Stuart Rescue responded to medical call at Motel 6
3:18 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a domestic call in Bayard
4:20 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on Zephyr Lane
10:10 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Prairie Street in Guthrie Center
2:35 pm Panora Ambulance and Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a medical call on Panorama Drive
6:20 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a burglary call in Bayard
9:55 pm Case follow up by Guthrie Co Deputy in Bayard
10:23 pm Panora Police responded to a call at Casey’s General Store