Hastings Funeral Home in Jefferson is in charge of arrangements for Cecillia Elaine Westphalls,
2, of Jefferson, Iowa. Cecillia died June 17, 2021 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Visitation will be held Thursday, June 24, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at Hastings
Funeral Home in Jefferson, followed by the funeral service at 6:00 p.m.
Cecillia is survived by her parents Brooklyn Smithson and Monty Westphalls; Grandparents:
Christy Smithson, Josh Smithson, Jamie Stagg, and Jebeez Westphalls; Great Grandparents:
Tammie Day, Mark Day, Willy Lowry, and Dan and Linda Stagg; Great Great Grandmother Lois
Martin, Great Great Grandfather James Stagg; Uncles and Aunts: Mihles Exline and Lindsay
Lafreniere, Dalton and Cheyanne Exline, Alyssa Matthews and Ron Brigante, Jasmine and
Brandon Stevens, Ozzi Smithson, Jamison Smitson, Rachael and Saroke Chalabe, Casper
Westphalls, and Alisen Westphalls; Great Uncles and Aunts: Jamie and Cynthia Day, Brandy
Stagg, Lisa and Scott Peterson, John and Micah Stagg, Jim and Danyell Stagg, Josh and
Ballentina Walker; cousins: Leilah Lafreniere, Bryson Exline, Lakota Exline, Maiyah Exline, Van
Exline and Julian Brigante.