
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will meet today.

The Board will consider for approval the final plans for a bridge replacement project with the County Secondary Roads Department, the 28E agreement with the Heart of Iowa Community Services mental health region, the county’s substance abuse prevention program and grant for the 2022 fiscal year and designating County Auditor Dani Fink as the county’s signatory for the program. Additionally, the Board will consider approving a fireworks permit, discuss purchasing a county-owned parcel and any potential change orders for the law enforcement center project.

The Board will also hear updates from the conservation and secondary roads departments, as well as discuss the City of Stuart’s Ag Business Park project.

The meeting will take place in person and electronically at 9am from the boardroom in the Guthrie County Courthouse. Information to access the meeting electronically can be found below.



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