The coronavirus pandemic may have prevented a local program from taking place last year, but the program has returned this year. 

Stuart Police Officer Katie Guisinger says last year the Books and Badges program was able to be held briefly before being shut down after the Stuart Public Library closed due to the pandemic and the event hasn’t run since March of last year. 

“Without a library and without gatherings I couldn’t really have a program. It just pretty much suddenly stopped. It was we did it one day and then the next day we were on hold.”

Guisinger tells Raccoon Valley Radio the program has made a return this year, with one event already being held this month. Guisinger says she is excited to be able to bring the program back this year which features her reading stories to youth of all ages, being geared more towards younger youth. 

“I think we had our biggest turnout we have ever had on the first program back. That felt good, I think the kids and parents, we had (a) great turnout. So, those were good things so hopefully we will just keep building the program from there.”

The next Books and Badges is scheduled to take place at 10 a.m. on July 16th at the Stuart Public Library. The stories in the program are geared toward children ages 2-8 but all ages are welcome to attend with their families.