
Throughout the last school year during the coronavirus pandemic, education for students wasn’t the only thing that was affected. 

Panorama Schools Superintendent Shawn Holloway says he feels the activity portion including athletics, fine arts, speech and drama is important to the community as well as the students and Panther athletics had a good season overall this past school year despite the pandemic. 

“All those kids that are involved in all different types of activities really are what help make a system what it is. Yeah it was super fun to watch the girls track team. Jaidyn Sellers was state champion in the 100 and the 200. We had a couple other relays that placed at the state meet. We had an individual, Abby Cobb, make it to state golf.”

Holloway tells Raccoon Valley Radio activities last fall looked different with parents driving student athletes to sporting events, wearing masks on the sidelines and only having a certain number of students on the bus, among other changes. 

“Across the board, (in) terms of all of our activities, it obviously was a different looking year. I think to student credit and staff credit they wanted to perform and at the end of the day would do what it took to be able to do that.”

Holloway says kids are resilient but it may have been an added stressor for kids as they navigated through the school year.