
One class at Greene County High School that is typically an extra-curricular activity has been incorporated into the regular classroom instruction.

Band Director Wes Anderson says all band students are learning about jazz music this year. He points out it is due to the lack of competitions and festivals that he would normally have the jazz band ensemble participate in, because of the pandemic. He believes this is a positive way to further educate all band students about different kinds of music.

“It’s very relevant to us because it’s one of the best things that was ever invented in America. So probably something good for everybody to learn about.”

Anderson points out by having jazz taught to all of his band students, it allows for some unique opportunities that would otherwise not be included.

“This way you can have an euphonium player learning to improvise. Usually that wouldn’t happen but this year has presented so many blessings in disguise I guess, if you want to look at it positively.”

Overall, Anderson believes this year has gone about as good as it could considering where they started with very restrict guidelines of not allowing the full ensembles to practice together, wear masks while playing instruments and covering the bells of instruments to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to no longer being able to require students to wear masks while in school.