Guthrie County CourthouseThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors meet this morning for the second of their bi-weekly sessions, and budget review discussions from various county departments dominate the agenda once again.

County Sanitarian Stephen Patterson will first address the Board to review the 2014-15 fiscal year budget for the county’s Environmental Health Department.  Midwest Partnership Executive Director Chad Schreck, Sheriff Marty Arganbright, Mental Health Coordinator Diane Jackson, County Fair President C.W. Thomas and County Recorder Jacki Sloss will then follow Patterson with separate budget reviews for their respective departments.

Finally, the Supervisors will set the budget for the county’s public libraries.  The Guthrie County Library Association requested a 5% budget increase for next fiscal year during a meeting with the Board last month.

Today’s meeting begins at 9am in the Guthrie County Courthouse.

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