
The Guthrie Center School Board met in special session Monday.

Following two public hearings, the Board approved to continue to use the instructional support levy, which consists of a seven-percent income surtax, and can be used as a supplemental financial aid for expenses that would normally come from the district’s general fund, as well as the certified budget for the 2022 fiscal year. The tax levy rate for next school year is expected to be $11.44 per $1,000 of property valuation. Additionally, the Board approved its 101-percent budget guarantee for next school year as presented.

Next, the Board reviewed its Return to Learn plan and decided to continue its district-wide mask mandate with requiring masks when social distancing can’t happen. The Board also approved to give refunds to some of the high school seniors that are not able to go on their class trip to Washington, D.C. next month, an annual agreement with Heartland Area Education Agency to rent office space for $3,600 per year for the next three years, and the certified staff contracts were also approved. The one year agreement between the district and the Guthrie Center Education Association included a $325 increase to the base salary with a total increase of 1.91-percent  to the district.