
March 23

Paula Smith, Boone, was driving south on Hwy 169 when she hit a deer.  No injuries were reported to the occupants of the vehicle.  Damage was estimated at $5000

Gaylan Worthington, age 25, 706 Cedar Ave, Woodward, was arrested for Driving While Barred.

March 24

Elizabeth Maldonado, Omaha, NE, was traveling westbound on Interstate 80, when she was struck from behind by Katelynn Aufderhar, Winona, MN.  The collision caused Ms. Maldonado to lose control and enter the ditch.  There were no injuries reported.  Damage to Ms. Maldanado’s car was estimated at $5000.  Damage to Ms. Aufderhar’s car was estimated at $3000.  Ms. Maldanado was cited for no insurance.  Ms. Aufderhar was cited for Failure To Maintain Control.

Ethan Swehla, age 24, 7200 E Evans Ave, Denver, CO, was arrested for Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia.

Adam C. Hay, age 46, 1402 Evelyn St, Perry, was arrested on a warrant for Failure To Appear.  The original charge was Driving While License Denied, Suspended, Cancelled Or Revoked.

Karri R Rogers, age 46, 300 W. North St, Prairie City, was arrested on a warrant for Failure To Appear for Probation Revocation Hearing.

*A criminal charge is merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.