
The Jefferson Street/Sewer/Sanitation/Water committee met Tuesday in regular session.

The sewer committee reviewed and will recommend to the City Council to abate over $1,200 of sewer charges from an incident that happened at a residence in the 400 block of Cedar Street. A water pipe burst and the water discharge went into the storm sewer. The property owner will still pay for the water charges. 

The water committee discussed a policy of minimum charges for inaccessible, unoccupied/abandoned properties, along with a meter rental. The city administrator will review the water minimum charge policy with the city attorney. The committee will further discuss a meter rental to establish a monthly charge if someone is renting a City meter for several months. 

The streets committee talked about a welcome sign along the east entrance on East Lincoln Way. A final decision was tabled, pending further review of the sign design and location of it. Then it was decided to educate the public and snow removal companies about the City’s ordinance against depositing snow onto the City streets. There were issues brought up this winter with people pushing snow after the plows had cleared the streets of snow.

Public Works Director Dave Morlan mentioned a street repair on South Mulberry Street. He said a quote from Black Top Services to resurface the street was $64,700. No formal decision was made by the committee.