
With the continued movement of vaccinations throughout Iowa, new guidance has been released for those who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 

Guthrie County Public Health Director Jotham Arber says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released new guidance for people who have been fully vaccinated. 

“That does allow us to do a few more things. If you are visiting with people that are vaccinated that’s great you don’t need to wear those masks or do a whole lot of those other protective measures. If you’re visiting with people that are low risk and you’ve been fully vaccinated that’s also another thing and I think the key here is to use some discretion.”

Arber says we aren’t quite to the point where there will be mass events such as concerts or things of that nature but Arber does remind everyone the same rules apply if you’re in public and don’t know if someone else has been vaccinated. 

“When you’re in public, when you’re going to places that you don’t know whether people have been vaccinated or not that would be the time to still continue to use those precautions.”

Arber reminds everyone to continue the safety precautions such as washing your hands, and staying home if you are sick among other things.