
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

The Council approved the annual Urban Renewal report as presented, along with an update to the City’s affirmative fair housing and equal employment opportunity and a procurement policy as it relates to Community Development Block Grant projects as presented. Additionally, they set March 23rd as the public hearing date to sell two properties, one at 709 West Lincoln Way to Eldon and Peggy Cunningham and the other at 205 North Wilson Avenue to RAK, LLC.

The Council also approved a resolution to authorize a preliminary official statement for general obligation purpose and refunding bonds, along with a taxable general obligation urban renewal bonds. The refunding of bonds will reduce the interest rate on existing bonds and then issuing no more than $1.7 million of bonds to be reimbursed by TIF on renovations to the city-owned downtown buildings. They also approved the City’s insurance policy with a proposed $228,079 premium and a $5,941 reimbursement of expenses from the 200 East State Street project through CDBG.

Finally, the Council approved a $123,000 cost estimate to resurface two alleyways during the 2022 fiscal year. The alleys are adjacent to Companion Veterinary Clinic and the White House Apartments, near the law enforcement center.