
January 26, 2021 to January 29, 2021
Jan 26:
Vehicle 1 Blue 1994 Chevy C25 pick up registered to and driven by Gregory Alan Haglund,
1717 Evelyn, PNry.
Vehicle 2- Black 2019 Jeep registered to Steven Michael or Connie Rose Stalzer, 807 3’0 St,
Perry, driven by Connie Rose Stalzer.
Vehicle 1 was parked on the east side of 3’0 Stand was attempting to make a turn across traffic.
The driver did not see vehicle 2 approaching from the south and turned into traffic striking the
front of vehicle 2. Total estimated damages $2500.
Received report that a vehicle, a gray 2015 Lincoln registered to ran into a building located in
the 1100 block of 2nd Street. There were no damages to either the vehicle or the building. No
Jan 27
Officers responded to the 700 block of 1’1 Ave on a report of a theft. Under investigation.
Jan 28:
Officers responded to the 2200 block of Evelyn on a report of criminal mischief. Case under
Vehicle 1 gray 2009 Chevy pickup driven by George David Gonzalez, 2623 Taft, Perry.
Vehicle 2 silver 2009 Toyota pickup registered to Maria Fax Vega Caballero, 2628 Taft, Perry.
Vehicle 1 was backing out of a drive and struck the front of vehicle 2 that was parked an the
wrong side of the road. No damage to vehicle 1, estimated damage to vehicle 2 $300.