The Jefferson Street/Sewer/Water/Sanitation committees met earlier this week.
The meeting started with a resident at 206 North Oak Street requesting an adjustment to a sewer charge. The homeowner said a water pipe that led into the home burst and was dumping water into a crawl space. The homeowner asked to have a total of $1,086 of sewer and late charges credited since he hadn’t dumped the water into the sewer system. The committee recommended the credit to be approved at the next city council meeting.
The committee also agreed to have the city council approve an amendment to the agreement with Bolten and Menk for the design process of the sewer plant $14,000 and the new agreement for $127,000. They also discussed the risk assessment and emergency response plan for the new sewer plant, which is required by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Jefferson Police Chief Mark Clouse mentioned that the Greene County Board of Supervisors is looking to purchase the Midland Power Cooperative building in Jefferson as a new law enforcement center and that the County would purchase new emergency signs, but said the City’s wayfinding signs will need to be changed to reflect the new location of the law enforcement center.
Finally, Public Works Director Dave Morlan reported 220.4 tons of garbage and 24.69 tons of recycling were collected in December.