
Springbrook State Park in Guthrie County has finalized the six locations for its self-guided GPS hike.

Iowa Department of Natural Resources Training Specialist Anne Riordan says the program was designed for hikers, but participants can utilize their vehicles to move closer to each destination. Upon arrival at the spot, an information card about the site will tell people why it’s important and an item will be available to help with building the fire at the Can You Civilian Conservation Corps shelter at the end.

The coordinates for each location can be found on our website at Raccoon Valley Radio dot com. The GPS coordinates for sites on the hike are:

  1. 41°46”29.5”N, 94°28’02.9”W
  2. 41°46’25.3”N,94°27’58.4”W
  3. 41°46’37.7”N, 94°27’56.0”W
  4. 41°46’54.7”N, 94°27’39.9” W
  5. 41°46’50.1”N, 94°27’33.7”W
  6. 41° 46’37.7”N, 94°27’46.1”W

To navigate back, search for Springbrook State Park Campground on your GPS. For more information, contact Springbrook State Park. There is no cost for the program and no registration is required.