The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors discussed a revision for their employees concerning paid time off at their regular meeting Tuesday.
The change would only apply to non-exempt Supervisors’ employees, not a widespread change across the county.
A stipulation in the current policy allows for vacation or personal time used to count toward hours worked for overtime purposes. Supervisor Clifford Carney proposed revising job schedules or descriptions instead of the full policy. Supervisor Chair Mike Dickson suggested applying a similar policy change that the Transfer Station implemented. A decision was tabled to seek further options.
NextEra Energy’s Craig Schoenfeld discussed with the Board the Heartland Divide 2 project in Audubon County and how it would impact Guthrie County. The project is for 71 wind turbines in the neighboring county and would use transmission lines in Guthrie County to transport the electricity. Schoenfeld said existing lines and easements are in place for 11 miles already, and that the company has already secured some landowner agreements for more. He added that the project expects to provide 200 temporary construction jobs, which will provide an economic boost to the county.
Finally, the Supervisors approved the IowaGrants semi-annual substance abuse report as presented.