
Greene County is awaiting its first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Public Health Director Becky Wolf confirms to Raccoon Valley Radio that Greene County is expected to receive 300 doses of the Moderna vaccine, pending approval from the Food and Drug Administration, by next week. She says the first priority will be healthcare workers and nursing home residents to get the vaccine. 

As more of the vaccine becomes available and is able to be distributed to the general public, Wolf recommends adhering to the new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning those who have to be in quarantine. She says those who were exposed to someone that tested positive for the virus, but didn’t experience symptoms for ten days and didn’t get tested can stop being in quarantine on the 11th day. Wolf advises continuing to watch for symptoms.

“They still should continue to watch for symptoms until the 14th day after their initial exposure. And then if they have symptoms, then they need to immediately self-isolate from other people in their households, and contact public health or their healthcare provider for testing.”

Those who haven’t shown symptoms and received a negative test result can stop being in quarantine after seven days. Wolf gives some clarification to the shortened quarantine time period.

“The kicker with that one is that the specimen for that test needs to be done, collected and tested, within 48-hours before the time of the planned discontinuation of the quarantine. You have to anticipate testing delays.”

Wolf reminds everyone to continue to wear masks when in public, wash hands and sanitize frequently touched surfaces and stay at least six feet apart from others.