
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

During a public hearing on the Greene County Animal Facility project, it was mentioned that the lowest bid was $1,007,000, which organizer Don Orris said was much higher than the engineer’s estimate. He was hoping for a bid between $450,000-$500,000. Orris said he will review the plans and reduce what he can with the architects and re-bid the project next spring. Following the public hearing, the Council voted to reject all five bids that were received.

The Council then approved the second reading of an ordinance for a commercial cardboard collection fee as presented, along with a $7,015 change order and a $45,254 pay estimate for the roof replacement project at 100 East State Street. They also approved a $26,900 proposal from KG Roofing in Fort Dodge to replace the damaged City Hall roof from the derecho storm, with payment to come from the City’s insurance carrier. 

Additionally, the Council approved the wastewater facility plan and Intended Use Plan to the Department of Natural Resources as the first step in the process to adhere to the new discharge requirements from the DNR by June of 2024. The Council also approved the final pay estimate of $1,705 to Caliber Concrete for completed construction on the Arch Alley Improvement project, along with a final pay estimate of $11,496 to Keller Excavating for completed construction of the Chestnut and Adams streets water main project. 

The Council then approved an acquisition agreement for property at 703 North Wilson Avenue, with plans to tear down the existing residence with funds through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, along with authorizing a loan to the tax increment revenue fund as presented. Finally, the Council heard an update with Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community.