
While Guthrie County has received a sample of winter weather this week, residents are reminded of the County’s procedures for snow and ice removal.

County Engineer Josh Sebern says that the Secondary Roads Department operates from 5 a.m.-5 p.m. regardless of holidays or weekends to clear county roads during a winter event, “For a major event we’ll have 12 plow trucks and 10 motor graders that go out and cover the nearly thousand miles of roads that we cover. So if we get a blizzard and we’re shut in, it does take us about a day-and-a-half to get all of the rural roads opened up one way and then we’ll start to push the snow back a little more. The highways we focus on them first, obviously they’re first priority and it just depends on the weather event but yes it’s about a dozen trucks and 10 motor graders.”

Sebern reminds motorists not to “crowd the plow” when County or state employees are treating roads, and to always use caution and drive to the condition of the road during a winter event.