Greene County residents are asked once again to step up and help make the holidays more cheerful for less fortunate families.
“Toys for Greene County Kids” is sponsored by Greene County New Opportunities where new unwrapped toys are donated and given to their low income clients. New Opportunities Coordinator Teresa Lansman says last year over 275 children were served with this program. She points out donation boxes are located throughout the county, as well as in the County Engineer’s office in the Greene County Courthouse, and at her office on North Elm Street in Jefferson. Toys are for children 14 and younger and households can qualify for the program if they are at or below the federal 200-percent poverty level.
Lansman suggests another outlet for someone who is willing to make a donation with Greene County Adopt-a-Family.
“If someone feels strongly about adopting a child for Christmas or something like this, I will have out here at my office that you can contact me and get a child that you would like to get their stuff for.”
The registration deadline for those to receive toys is by November 25th and toy donations will be accepted until December 14th. Contact Lansman at 515-386-2719 for more information.