As a COVID-19 vaccine continues to be developed, local plans are being formed for distribution in Greene County.
Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says her department receives weekly updates from the Iowa Department of Public Health about vaccine development and a corresponding timeline. She talks about the types of individuals that would locally receive the vaccine first.
“Typically in this situation like this, the first priority groups are healthcare workers, first responders, law enforcement. Just because we need to be vaccinated in order to take care of you.”
Wolf says from there, when additional access to the vaccine is available, priority groups are then determined locally for those with underlying conditions that are susceptible to contracting COVID-19.
“Our hope is that we can get the vaccine out by various avenues, whether it’s through your doctor’s office, or through a pharmacy, through the long term care or assisted living facilities. Even to offer at least one or two mass dispensing clinics, similar to our drive-thru flu clinics.”
Wolf adds, these decisions to distribute the vaccine are not made locally, but rather through the state. She says they are continuing to develop plans with the Greene County Emergency Operation Center.