
The American Legion Post #11 of Jefferson and the Greene County Veterans Affairs Department is teaming up to sponsor a free movie this weekend for area veterans.

American Legion member Jim Andrew says the movie is “Midway,” which he says was a turning point in World War II for the U.S. military in the Pacific, devastating the Japanese fleet in retaliation for their attack at Pearl Harbor. The movie will be at the Sierra Community Theatre in Jefferson Saturday at 2pm. Greene County Veterans Affairs Director Michael Bierl will open the event with updates from his office at 1:30. 

Andrew points out that due to COVID-19 restrictions, a limited number of seats will be available, on a first-come, first-served basis for any veteran and their spouse. He notes that when veterans arrive, they will need to sign-in at the theater.

“As I understand for contact tracing, and all of the things that we now live under, if we would find out after the film that somebody had been exposed to COVID-19, and exposed others, I think the public health authorities would like a listing of who was present so they can go back and contact those individuals, and make sure that they are okay.”

Andrew says this is one way the local American Legion can show its appreciation to the veterans that served in the U.S. military.