
Greene Co Recorder Deb McDonald

The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During open forum, the Supervisors discussed an inquiry from a county employee regarding a mask requirement. Board Chair John Muir said a mask requirement falls on the department heads and how they want to run their office. Supervisor Pete Bardole agreed and added that it comes down to personal responsibility and each individual’s comfort level. County Attorney Thomas Laehn said it would be difficult to mandate the public to wear a mask, but could require it for county employees. The Board decided to allow the current process to continue.

The Board then appointed Deb McDonald as the new county recorder, replacing Marcia Tasler, who retired last month. She was then promptly sworn in. Next, the Board approved a resolution to allow for lighted snowflakes to be hung from the trees on the courthouse grounds, as per the county’s public art policy. The snowflakes would be hung starting the Monday following Thanksgiving and remain in place during the winter holiday season.

The Board also approved a Louis Dreyfus funding request for the Thomas Jefferson Gardens project to build a greenhouse. The Board agreed to provide a 50/50 match up to $3,000 by February 15th. Additionally, the Board appointed Karla Janning to the Region XII Council of Governments Regional Housing Authority Board, and transferring $5,000 from local option sales and services tax and $8,000 from the general fund to the bike trail fund, along with a $50,000 transfer from the general fund to the conservation reserve fund. Finally, the Board approved a temporary transfer of $80,000 from the general fund to the bike trail fund for a trail signage project.