
With the Halloween holiday coming up, there will be lots of little ghouls and ghosts trick-or-treating, and there are some reminders to ensure a safe and fun environment.

Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams reminds motorists to be aware of the increased foot traffic during all of the Halloween celebrations taking place tomorrow and Saturday in Greene County. 

“They’re going to be wearing dark clothing, (and) hopefully they have flashlights of some sort, or they sell the little red blinking lights to help have kids being more visible while they are out walking around. Trick-or-treat in small groups. So that if you do happen to get that ‘unlucky house’ you have friends there to get you away.”

Williams notes other safety measures for kids and families who are out trick-or-treating is to check both directions before crossing a street and use designated crosswalks when you can. He adds to only go to houses that have a porch light on, as those are typically the homes that hand-out treats.