
The winter-like weather taking place over the last few days serves as a reminder to make sure you’re prepared for any kind of weather event this fall.

Dallas County Emergency Management Coordinator AJ Seely tells Raccoon Valley Radio weather patterns this time of year can be unpredictable. Seely adds that the best kind of preparedness plan is a flexible one, “Last fall we actually saw in late November a tornado warning that affected part of Dallas County. I always like to say the likelihood is less, but it’s not impossible. Continue to be prepared year-round for all modes of severe weather. When we talk about planning and individual preparedness, what we’re really focusing on, or trying to get people ready for is just have a plan that’s adaptable. So, not necessarily buying something for a specific purpose, but preparing for something that maybe could be used in multiple applications whether it’s severe weather, loss of power, loss of water, whatever it might be, and prepare that way.”

Seely recommends preparing for the worst, like being stranded in your car during a winter storm or when a storm can knock out power to your home for multiple days. You should have a working weather radio at home, as well as a flashlight, spare batteries, and enough food and drinking water to last for at least three days. Seely adds you should always have an ice scraper, shovel, sand or kitty litter, jumper cables, first aid supplies, and a road map in your vehicle. He also emphasizes giving yourself plenty of time to get where you’re going so you can drive at ease to the current road conditions.