
The Perry School District is considering leaving the Raccoon River Athletic Conference. 

The Board held a preliminary discussion on finding a new conference for Perry’s activities at a special meeting Wednesday. Activities Director Scott Pierce asked for the Board’s support in exploring other conferences that resemble Perry’s community. Pierce says it’s hard to gain momentum and keep quality coaches when they’re at a competitive disadvantage, as a lot of Perry activities have seen in recent years. Pierce added that conversations are very preliminary at the moment and, more than anything, he wanted to know how the Board felt about the issue before proceeding. 

The most likely destination for Perry would be the Heart of Iowa Conference, which includes their historic rivals, the Greene County Rams. Heart of Iowa is losing both Gilbert and North Polk, moving to the Raccoon River Conference this August. The Board was in support of the idea. Board President Kyle Baxter noted that he’s come around to support a possible move following conversations he’s had with the community after the topic was first brought to the Board’s attention in January.