
Last year Iowa high school cross-country State Qualifying Meets were on the same day for all four classes. This year the 3A and 4A meets are being moved to Wed., Oct. 21 while 2A and 1A meets remain on Oct. 22. The change helps Jeff Lamoureux, the coach of the Greene County Rams, and he tells why. “The split in dates helps me because we are in Class 3A for boys and 2A for girls. I can now go to both meets. Last year I obviously couldn’t do that because both meets were on the same day.”

Greene County and Paton-Churdan have a cross-country sharing agreement and the rules say both enrollments must be counted toward classification is someone from both schools is on the team. One P-C boy is out for the sport, but no girls run cross-country, so that’s why they are in two different classes.

The State Meets are also on different day north of Ft. Dodge at Kennedy Park. The 3A and 4A meets are on Oct. 30 with the 1A and 2A meets Oct. 31.