J.D. Scholten speaking in Churdan in September
The Democratic candidate for Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District is continuing to campaign and visit people ahead of the November general election.
J.D. Scholten is currently on the “Every Town Tour,” where he is visiting all 374 towns in the district. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio it’s a challenge to campaign during the pandemic, but he feels they have been successful.
“We try to do it in a safe way, especially in our rallies, where we have our parking lot rallies. I got the idea from church services, where people are in their cars, they tune in on a local radio frequency that we broadcast, and they’ve been great. People can text us questions and we answer all of the questions. (It’s) a way to still connect. Obviously campaigning in the time of COVID is something different. But I think it’s really going well for us.”
One of Scholten’s leading campaign platforms is helping local farmers and family farms.
“Right now, it’s ‘Get big or get off the farm.’ Sonny Perdue, the (U.S.) Secretary of Agriculture said in America the big get bigger and the small get out. It doesn’t have to be that way. So we need policies that allow whether if you’re a few hundred acres or you’re thousands of acres, you’ll have a chance to succeed. And you are allowed to stay on your land and make a dime. So that’s what I want to do it; empower the farmer.”
Scholten is challenging Republican candidate Randy Feenstra in the November general election.