Area families are invited to spend Saturday night on the Panorama High School football field for a night of entertainment under the stars.
The Panorama Booster Club is hosting a family movie night with gates opening at 7 p.m. and the movie starting at 7:30 p.m. They will be showing a PG-rated film titled “Playing with Fire,” and a freewill donation will be accepted to support the club’s efforts to purchase supplies and equipment for different clubs, art programs, and athletics. Vice President Heather Thompson describes how the movie night will be taking advantage of a new Panorama amenity that the club helped fund, “With everything that’s going on this year we discovered it’s a little more difficult to do fundraising and try to get the word out about (the) booster club. And so I’m always trying to think of something different that we can do and this year I was standing at the first football game watching on our new big screen that we have on the football field and thought, ‘How cool would it be if we could do a movie on there?’ And I mentioned it to a couple people and everyone got extremely excited about it so we decided to give it a shot.”
The concession stand will also be open for families to purchase drinks, popcorn, candy, and hot chocolate. Participants are encouraged to bring a blanket or lounge chair and find a spot on the field or in the bleachers. Social distancing is recommended and all children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to attend.