
Monday, August 17th

2:27am: An officer removed a bat from the residence at 501 South Vine Street.

3:01am: A Parking Violation Notice was issued in the 100 Block of East State Street for, “Street Sweeping Violation.”

2:57pm: Melinda Madson-Millard spoke to an officer concerning an Act of Incest she had found on Social Media. The reported act occurred in California in 2017. The officer could offer no assistance in the matter.

3:02pm: A caller advised of a Stray Dog in the 1500 Block of Hawthorne Lane. The officer retrieved the animal and placed it in the Animal Holding Facility.

4:46pm: Danielle Eastman reported a female Mastiff in her yard at 201 East Perry Street. She reported she can not get near the animal because it runs from her. This is the same animal officers have been attempting to capture for several weeks now. It runs from officers as they get near it. The animal was not located.

6:14pm: Marti Wiedman reported a neighbor burning and the foul smell was coming in her windows at 204 North Oak Street. The officer located a small yard waste fire at 309 North Maple Street and spoke to the resident there. No city violations were occurring, and the fire was almost burnt out. The officer took no action.

7:37pm: Nathan Williams reported following a boom truck into Jefferson from the east on 235 th Street. He advised the truck was swerving all over the road. The officer located the truck at Midland Power and spoke to the driver. He advised he was looking at utility poles and powerlines as he drove and may have swerved slightly but denied that his driving was careless.

8:52pm: Patrick Coil requested Extra Patrol at 303 East McKinley Street, as he was leaving the  residence for a few days after receiving threats from subjects. Coil refused to elaborate on the threats.

9:08pm: LeAnn Monaghan reported kids on skateboards near Elm and South Streets. She advised they are hard to see after dark. The officer searched the area but did not locate the reported kids.

11:50pm: Matt Hovick reported people knocking on his windows at 102 East Washington Street. The officer did not locate anyone in the area.

Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.