
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors approved two State of Iowa railroad crossing safety improvements agreements at their meeting Tuesday.

County Engineer Josh Sebern explained that the Iowa Department of Transportation offers a 90% match to install flashing lights and crossing arms which cost $200,000 per crossing. Sebern says the DOT wishes to place these improvements at two crossings on Talon Avenue near the Flint Hills Resources plant east of Menlo. The Board also approved an abatement of about $6,500 in delinquent property taxes for a parcel in Guthrie Center which the City plans to level and sell. They also approved a request to appoint Nurse Practitioner Sara Van Effen of Guthrie County Hospital and Clinics as a medical examiner investigator. The Board took no action on fencing in the County right of ways and on a jail project claim from Shive-Hattery Architecture and Engineering.