
Image courtesy of Greene County Animal Facility Facebook page

A project that started four years ago to establish a new animal shelter in Jefferson took a major step forward Tuesday night.

Facilitator Don Orris made a presentation to the City Council and talked about changes to the facility to reduce the overall price tag from the original estimate of $1.1 million. Orris said the main changes included building a metal structure instead of concrete, eliminating the original odor control system to a separation system, and reducing the cost for the moisture control system. 

Altogether these changes brought the estimated price down to just over $600,000. Orris informed the Council that their committee has raised almost $600,000 in pledges and donations. Orris then asked the Council to proceed with approving an architect agreement for the building designs. City Administrator Mike Palmer explains why the project has to go through the City.

“This would be really a city-owned building eventually. In order to do that it needs to be built to city specs and by the laws that are required to bid projects like this.”

Palmer notes those who have already pledged or donated money toward the project were okay with the changes that were being considered for the facility. He adds, the Council is expected to consider approving the architectural contract at their next regular meeting.