Theft: Ryan Wilson of Adel, reported a theft in the 1400 block of Greene St. Item returned.
Theft: Dennis Hesseltine of Adel, reported an attempted scam in the 900 block of Rapids St. Nothing
Arrest: Eric Nathan Ranker, age 41, 2121 Greene St., A27, Adel, was arrested on an Adel original
warrant for Littering and Interference with Official Acts.
Theft: Dale Swanson of Adel, reported a theft from a vehicle in the 2200 block of Greene St. Items
estimated at $665.00.
Arrest: David Lee Robertson., age 56, 2121 Greene St., #B24, Adel, was arrested on a Dallas County
warrant for Failure to Appear, original charge of Driving under Suspenstion.
Arrest: Ivyn Lee Lund Jr., age 56, 1508 Greene St., #1, Adel, was arrested for Harassment.
Arrest: Ivyn Lee Lund Jr., age 56, 1508 Greene St., #1, Adel, was arrested for Violation of a No
Contact Order.