While the Adair County Fair is featuring fewer activities this year to mitigate COVID-19, the focus is now more than ever on the youth who are showing in the livestock and static exhibits.
Summerset Citizens 4-H Club Secretary Jennifer Holliday will be showing in the chicken, steer, and horse shows this year, and though she’s afraid she might miss her favorite lemonade stand this year she’s excited to spend another fair with her friends. Holliday shares how she thinks the Adair County Fair Board and Extension Office have handled the ongoing changes with hosting this year’s fair, “I feel like they’ve handled it very well. It’s a challenging thing when you can’t meet in person for a long time to discuss one of the biggest events of the year for Adair County. And with how they’ve handled it and how fast they’ve been preparing and getting information out to the members that are participating in the fair this year, I feel like they have handled it very well and done a great job.”
The livestock and animal shows begin tomorrow with the dog show and dairy goat show. Fairgoers may attend these shows, but are advised to bring their own chairs, and practice social distancing. Tune in to 107.9 FM, KKRF as we broadcast live from the Adair County Fair in Greenfield throughout this week, and stream online at raccoonvalleyradio.com.