
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors were updated on recent activity for the County Attorney’s Office during Tuesday’s meeting.

County Attorney Brenna Bird told the Supervisors that “crime is definitely up,” with an increase in eluding law enforcement and drug cases. Bird said these cases can be attributed to the summer, suspects’ economic situations, and the effects of more time spent at home due to COVID-19. Bird said this increase is manageable, and she looks forward to the eventual new county jail.

She also explained that her office has been relying on video teleconferencing for court proceedings, as the Iowa Supreme Court has ordered that face-to-face court proceedings may resume on July 13th, and jury trials will commence on September 14th. Though there is an increase in crime and more time spent coordinating proceedings online, Bird assured the Supervisors that they are keeping steady at accomplishing their caseload. She also mentioned that a new state law took effect July 1st that changes the way the County collects jail fees, and she is working with other smaller counties currently to find a solution to present to the Board in the future.